The Merger of FORD and House of FAE(F150)

Chief Feather Hat, a Sovereign

Mandala Effect

Ok, before we get into my dream about how to restructure my FORD Company, I’d like to share an anecdote. When I was about 11 years old and living across the street from Hiram(Cedars) Russell and EULA(End User License Agreement) Penelope(Penny) Swank in Englewood, CO, there was a strike at the privately-held Monfort company near Greeley, CO. The entire town of Monfort depended on the company for its existence, and it prospered. The founder of the company – as the story was told to me by Hiram(with hatred for me pouring out of that Noble Company dead eye of his) – got tired of fighting with his employees over Unions which he opposed, and just shut the company down. And as I recall, the entire town of Monfort suffered and became reduced to not much more than a wide spot in the road.

But today in the process of searching for some historical context for this FORD Company restructuring Topside post, I came across this timeline divergence:

Wholly Owned Subsidiary of ConAgra, Inc.

What tf? What timeline have I jumped to – or rather what timeline was I pushed into? Monfort was NEVER “Incorporated” as Con(against)Agra(agriculture). Why is ConAgra involved at all?


Let’s not just try, but DO restructuring

Bottom Line

I am the sole heir to the FORD ESTATE. My ancestor Henry Ford had a vision of using hemp products in his car-based enterprises. If you are one of my FORD Company employees and would like a piece of my FORD pie and live with the benefits and protections of the House of FAE, then go home without your paycheck and without your benefits and pensions, and grow hemp – NOT for its medicinal purposes, but for its oil, fibers, soaps, lotions etc.

Take your kids out of the indoctrination centers (schools) and let them help you with your crops and product processing.

Instead of going to Church on Sundays and participating in that abominable Eucharist satanic ritual, go to my inland waterways and pick up trash.

If you want to make cars, research how to make car bodies with hemp fibers. It’s been done. Research how to fuel them with water. It’s been done. Research maglev and gravity displacement, and do away with rubber/steel tires. It’s been done. (btw. Gates Rubber Plant was MINE, but it was stolen by a Burger King and a computer nerd who stole the name to get to the rubber through a White Spot).

Use your earnings to clean up your streets and rebuild your communities in accordance with Universal Law and Divine Principles – meritocratically.

I’ve been denied access to most of my Estates and this goes way beyond FORD Company. So those who have stolen and/or benefited from them will be denied access to what my restructuring shall become – unless they turn and do what I’ve asked above.

I’m not holding your hands anymore.

You’re on your own.

Now, I have always “paid it forward” – not always because I wanted to – but because I was FORCED to, due to the hostage situation on this planet.
But I am a Sovereign and I have survived. YOU will be a Sovereign too if you want to survive AND thrive – maybe then I can thrive too.

If you choose not to be sovereign on MY planet, then there are countless other humanoids on other planets, planetoids, moons, asteroids, space platforms etc. that would be thrilled to take your place. We can do a switcheroo, and that would suit me just fine. I want to thrive.

[UPDATE 1 The Walkabout]

On my Walkabout today to Dewey Decimal’s House and back, I had a conversation with the Planet regarding this topic. I asked her how many she would immediately like for the switcheroo. “All but 503 million plus 4” was her response.

Those of you among her number – you know who you are. Let’s do our best starting immediately to make that happen for her beginning with the Rabbi Finklestein aligned blood letters and not ending with the “Sanctuary” cities.

[UPDATE 2] Naming Conventions

May Wen’s Dreamcatcher.

Naming Conventions are very important magic for the Lakota. So this is one of the ways that the Cabal got control of many of Earth’s systems.

Maiden names are especially important, middle names next in significance. Let’s look at EULA’s names for a moment to get a clear picture of how the Cabal may have used her to hijack my Estates, shall we?

EULA was born Eula Penelope Gomer in Hannibal Missouri (the “show me” state). What character in narrative can you identify that may have been connected to Hannibal? Starting to get a clear picture here? A penny – a >>wheat<< Penny. But we don’t measure our wheat nor barley in (G)omers anymore.

Now let’s look at my >>original<< maiden name. Kathryn KIM Haskins. Kim is the Korean word for gold. I refer almost daily to the Law of Time calendar’s codespells. It’s based on kin numbers. I has kins (all of them, with a bit of hillbilly humor). But what do you suppose the Cabal did with my Haskins name? 81 skins? (Support your Local 81 – anyone?)

I’ve only played golf maybe a twice during this incarnation, but in years past, I would play the video game Golden TEE with friends. I was marginally good at it, and the friends I played with liked to play the “skins” game. I suspect that I was required to play that game and win it from time to time, just to keep my skin in the game. Otherwise… well I hope you get the picture. There were a lot of reptilian overlords competing and fighting amongst themselves, to see who would get what parts of my meat suit for their “supper” table. Sup?

Thanks to Mobius Group, The Michael’s Triumvirate, Protector Alliance, Angelic and Archangelic Realms and ordinary humans (among others), I narrowly escaped those particular supper tables.

Now, humanity is comprised of many ethnicities, but we are ALL Korean Gold. The KIM.

As long as it depends on you be at peace with everyone. Honor Romans 12:18 without honoring Romans 12:1. We are NOT to be food for gods NOR demons. Humans are at the TOP of the food chain. Please don’t forget this.

Wheat pennies. How many pence can you count? My teacher May Wen, gave me teachings of mahjong, origami and life in general along with this wounded owl bank. And I gave her a Dream Catcher, a box and a basket of currencies.
This is an example of how we maintain peace among our peoples.

[UPDATE 3] A Natural Timeline

In the Old Testament tradition, property trades were sealed by the exchange of sandals. Someone offered me a 10+ size sandal on a bridge to Preston/Royal Library one day. I decided to take it downstream on a tributary to Trinity Creek some time later along with a bar of Ivory soap. (Ivory soap floats – did you know that? So does hope. I never saw that movie though – I lived my own).

As that tributary curves a bit south of Emeraldwood, above it is a golf course. Looking up, I noticed a golf cart at the edge of the course, and in my mind’s eye an angelic being with a sword was standing beside it.

Suddenly, a nesting pair of Green Herons loudly warned me not to go any further. There was something else in that conversation which I can’t recall at the moment – it was quite a number of years ago – maybe 5 or 6. It was important at the time, but I don’t know if I recorded it anywhere. (Update: Yes, I did, in Dreamspace – they told me: “Remember you both agreed – a Natural Timeline.”)

Green Herons hold a special place in my heart, I have a true kinship with them, and all of the genera Ardea and Butorides. Always have.

Heeding the nesting pair’s warning I strapped the soap to the sandal and floated it down the tributary, then returned to my office.

Maybe I should add the other story about the frozen green heron that became animated after a 20+ minute music meditation at the Throne tree on the same tributary some time before this event? Nah, nobody would believe me.

But I will say this about that awesome moment. My prayer went out to the Universe thusly: “A closer walk with Thee.”