He sent a missile to my toe, I sent a rock to His feet.

Then AZAZAEL picked it up and unmasked his father with it. That’s the day I saw him – chills – Robert Fisk, Mairon.

[Note: this message and tweet thread may be a bit cryptic for most. If you don't 'get it', just move along, nothing to see here. But if you do, maybe you can help me continue the decryption - some of it I don't 'get' yet either.]

Update 12-28-23 Übermensch isn't effected at all by Kryptonite. He created the Mineral Kingdom and the creation is NOT greater than the Creator.

We're bringing in the sheaves, not the Reeves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad54bH-nQTM

You won’t read about this in the Scof(f)ield Bible – or any other bibble for that matter, but there were more than 12 Apostles and most of them were traitors – NOT just one.

https://biblehub.com/bsb/acts/9.htm “Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the disciples of the Lord. He approached the high priest and requested letters to the synagogues(of Satan?) in Damascus, so that if he found any men or women belonging to the Way, he could bring them as prisoners to Jerusalem.”

The Creator has disclaimed Pactum de Singularis Caelum. It was for reasons like these betrayers that inspired and necessitated that action. If you are praying to “Saints”, then you are likely inviting influence or even spiritual takeovers (no longer allowed) by demons.

This clears up a lot of things, right Prot? Only this time, you won’t be imprisoned in a stasis prison, and you won’t be taking any “lost souls” with you to feed on. Your destination is likely The Great Recycler – The Galactic Central Sun. K-Peace? Sorry, not for you, traitor dude. Your Service to the then Triumvirate as an elder came to an abrupt end FOR A REASON.

Please read this entire page of Protector Alliance updates: http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=102&t=2150&p=44278&hilit=traitor#p44278

Steaks and stakes

Cypher. Which Matrix do you think you are so important in: The matrix of Navigation?(Serenity?) The matrix of Endlessness?(Protocols?) The matrix of Self-generation?(The Usual Suspect?) The matrix of Universal Fire?(Styx Equinox?) All of them? Actors are not important at all – only the narrative is. Similarly, the Messenger is not important – only the message is. And this time, the stakes are real.

Why mistletoe is bad for trees:

Really? Maybe you’ve felt like you’ve “owned” the Oval office all along? WRONG!

Mistletoe – smh. Parasites tend to hate their hosts – slowly and methodically. Just ask the mistletoe as it sucks the zinc out of the Live Oak.

Thief of the TREEE
(Triple Nickle?)

I observe Christmas on January 7, and I don’t want any kisses under the Thief of the TREEE. I prefer my zinc collection to stay in my lemonade jar of copper pence.

Further decryption:
The road to Damascus is littered with the works of traitors – and scales. In about 2013, FWH(Former WHITE HAT) mentioned that the Tall Whites had sent a micro-nuke to Syria. Now read the title of this message out loud and read about a great King’s dream: “He sent a missile to my toe, I sent a rock to His feet.” https://biblehub.com/daniel/2-34.htm

“I dreamed a dream…”
Oh, and one more thing - as Columbo would say. Magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers that refuse to recognize Ophiuchus, will likely find themselves at a locus on the Tesseract they would not prefer. That number (12) has changed. Please make a note of it. 
(I've been holding that portal open for you this year, as I have the Crazy Horse timeline portal - hence my silence on the matter during all the days of Ophiuchus 2023. But as was the case with that one, I - and others - may need to release it but without warning.)

Serving those who serve, blessing those who bless, and taking from those who take.
