The River Card

While Christians were going to Church today, and golfers were conquering holes, Gramps and I were going all-in on the River Card. But, we aren’t gamblers.

Gambler golfers, I’ve seen your Flop houses, so now I’m going to call you at The River card.

Rarely, do I ever show my hand – even in the muck. But today, I’m making an exception. I’m holding the NUTS. All of them – and yours.

Golfers, don’t be gamblers. THIS IS YOUR MESS TO CLEAN UP! Who’s on the Dealer Button?

You share the same waterway that your Flop houses do. And using the excuse “It’s downstream of us, we’re enjoying this pristine environment upstream, why should we care? After all, we’ve paid hefty green fees to someone else” isn’t going to give you a winning hand.

To whom? TO WHOM? Not me, not Gramps. Yet we’re picking up this trash after your flops. And really, why should we?

Do you want to continue chasing little balls around those greens on MY LAND? Then I’m going to need to see your proof of stake. Do you need instruction on how to do that? Learn from Oregon’s Solv-it mission. Behold:


I need to say something not angry here, but I’m not particularly inspired at the moment – except this: