Independence Day (the 45th)

45 years ago today, I escaped my basement prison AND my Momager(Shirley Lee Ford) and Prison Warden(Eugene Russell) Swank in Englewood, Colorado.

Prison Warden Swank had told me months before something like this: “When you leave, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, and we’re changing the locks.” What did they think I was going to do – rob them? Take from them what was MINE? Like my ORIGINAL Haskins Birth Certificate, the albums of photo books which were used to part me out like an old Ford Fairlane? My bronze baby shoe bookends mounted on granite at the ends of those albums? My brass bed? My coins? My Mersch family bible? smh.

Well, the door didn’t hit me at all, but the locks were indeed changed. Optimal Timeline.
Dear Judge, Q: "How do we ‘legally’ ……." What legal procedure exists to deregister a birth certificate number from the stock market? Spaceba.

Qdrop 1226

(Spaceba is a thank you in a hurry)

This is in essence the question I’ve now asked three prominent influencers. But help for me was not forthcoming.

First I asked Anna von Rothschild (Reitz). I took scans of all the documents I had including an attempt to obtain my original birth certificate from the office of Vital Records in Colorado which was returned to me without processing. I also included the “certified” copy of the “salvage title” which was issued in 1968 after the Prison Warden claimed a salvage ship which was lost at sea. He was a Navy guy. I was seven years old.

von Rothschild’s response was to ask me for money out of my Treasuries or Casino chips to help fund her operations. I had to decline as I was still testing spirits and the metals of edged weapons, and I wasn’t sure that hers were up to my standards. I was correct…

UNCED is still dead.

Next, I asked for help from Michael LeBron Esq. (aka Lionel of Lionel Nation). I sent a care package to his office with the same documents I sent to von Rothschild. His only response (that I could perceive through his cryptography) was to rub his thumb and fingers together on his right hand while saying “it’s all about this”. wtf Hell’s Kitchen? Mafioso U?

And, most recently what you see here with Judge Napolitano. I thought “third time’s charm, surely”. *Crickets.

Well, what did I expect from Esquires? But at least I tried through “normal” channels. No matter.

So now I’m just going to do it MY WAY. Sure, it would be nice to have the paper document for my scrapbook, but I don’t really care. Not much time to put together a scrapbook these days anyway.

Today, October 11, 2023 on the 45th anniversary of my Prison Break, I'm declaring my Independence from the Corporate Farm/Debt/Plantation/Prison System. I'm disconnecting permanently any legal document attached to me and binding me to any Corporate or Governmental or Religious Entity, forwards, backwards and sideways through the Loops.

I am Topside now. Join me. Be $FREE.

[UPDATE 1 Gramps is out]

Gramps is out. The Nebadon World Order timeline is rapidly collapsing now, and being restructured into something new. Something more like what it was >>supposed<< to be.

Around September, 2015 a telepathic portal opened between The Michael and me. He had decided that He was going to destroy Nebadon, and wanted my opinion and feedback on that, though it was already decided. He’s so considerate of my feelings and always interested in my perspectives. 💚Bless Him.

I agreed with him on every point. Then we had a good cry together. “It was a beautiful dream though, in theory. We agree more than either of us expected to”.

At some point thereafter Protoi Frank pointed to this>> and said something like this: “This is the darkest shit in existence.” We couldn’t disagree with that either.

The Energy/Entity/whatevers called by the name Urantia only existed for Gramps. Why? Several reasons.

  1. He is the Earth-bound avatar of Uranus (the 13th Avatar or maybe the 14th or 12th, not sure – I saw the mark on his forhead one day, but it’s vanished since then).
  2. He was incarnated as Uriah, the husband of Bathsheba and military commander serving David who had him murdered on the front lines of battle so he could take his wife. This displeased The Creator almost as much as David’s silence on the rape of Absalom’s sister Tamar by his firstborn Amnon. The House of David is little more than murderers and thieves, rapists, puppet masters and slavers. Deceivers all.
  3. Uriah survived on the optimal timeline and Tupac Shakur (Shock UR) became one of his descendents. Are you getting a clear picture here? Menelik never existed. Solomon never existed.
  4. The ancient city of UR was his (Ur of the Chaldeans). Invaders tried to erase its existence. They wanted Uriah in a heap, and tried over and over again through the loops to accomplish that, but were thwarted every time through the creation and upgrades of Urantia – a safety net.
  5. Uranium is Earth’s heart tissue. (question to you personally: What do you suppose happens to the planet when you dig her heart tissue out and burn it? Heartburn?)

Now, if you are still attached to the Nebadon timeline, I suspect you have very little “time” left to disconnect from it, or you will have to do some fancy footwork to prevent being caught in a Bamboo trap dance with guns around you to keep you dancing or else…


Context on the Menelik/Solomon story (scroll down):

*Netsplit authorization Alcyone511

Update 1-22-23 Pandora’s box drill down

And forever MORE…